Most people associate healthy eating with trying to lose weight.
And precisely because losing extra pounds is not always easy, most of the time many people feel that they do not have the right motivation to start or continue their effort to resort to healthier dietary choices. Healthy eating, however, is not only associated with weight loss but also with the following factors:

1. Better mood
A New Zealand study of 300 young adults found that those who ate more fruits and vegetables had more energy, were calmer, and reported higher levels of happiness. In fact, these effects were not only valid on the days when they ate healthy food, but also on the following days.

2. Better sleep
Numerous studies have linked good sleep quality to overall mood and well-being, and more and more research is emphasizing the importance of proper nutrition and proper nutrition that help people have "sweet dreams".
Researchers from Taiwan found that when men and women who had difficulty sleeping ate two kiwis an hour before bedtime, after four weeks they were able to fall asleep 35% faster, while their sleep duration was increased by 13%.

3. Better performance in the gym
Nutrition before and after exercise is very important and this is because by eating properly you will be able to notice important changes in yourself, such as feeling very energetic, in good spirits, you will see changes in your body or on the other hand if your meals do not they are also the most appropriate you may feel exhausted and tired or even worse have the opposite results from what you are trying to achieve (loss of muscle mass, fat intake).

4. Glowing skin
Healthy eating is reflected in the face, offering a "glow of health". This is at least supported by researchers from the University of Nottingham, who found that people judged, through various photographs, as more attractive those who had stated that they ate more fruit.

5. Improved brain function
According to a study by the National Institutes, people who adhere to the principles of the Mediterranean diet are less likely to develop cerebral infarcts, small areas of dead tissue in the brain associated with cognitive problems. In addition, they are 36% less likely to develop brain damage, 28% less likely to develop mild cognitive impairment due to aging, and 48% less likely to develop Alzheimer's.

6. Maintenance of body tissues
An unhealthy and unbalanced diet can cause problems in maintaining the body's cells and tissues. The nutrients from fruits and vegetables help protect the body's cells because they contain vitamins and antioxidants. Antioxidants are substances that can protect the body's cells from the effects of free radicals. Free radicals can contribute to the development of cancer and degenerative diseases. Eating meat and other sources of protein can help maintain healthy body tissues.

7. Prevention of diseases
A healthy diet includes vegetables and fruits in complete balance. This particular addition to the daily diet will give an extra shield of defense to the immune system of the dieter, shielding him and protecting him from any infections and disorders. For example, the proper formulation of a diet, including vegetables, due to its phytochemical properties, protects the dieter from various forms of cancer.

8. Better memory
Many studies show that the foods we eat play an important role in brain function. Some foods that help with memory are fish, whole grains, olive oil, vegetables and nuts that are rich in vitamins, minerals, fats and proteins. After all, in order to achieve the goals you have set in your career, you need to have a strong memory.