Proper nutrition when you're having the flu or a cold is a key weapon to ensure faster recovery and return as directly as possible in our activities. What you need to be careful as to the quantity and quality of food that we consume during the recovery?

First of all, you need to pay particular attention to the energy intake, according to the Organization of Central Shopping and Fishing. Many times the viruses us to pay, we can't consume adequate amounts of food, resulting in the further weakening of the body. Try to do frequent small meals to get the energy you need. Don't skip meals because your body needs energy to recover. And to know that a diet under 1200 calories a day weakens the immune function. One of the most important ingredients that our body needs is protein.

Proteins help the body to be healthy and strong. Also, the basic components of proteins, i.e. the amino acids are used for the building of the components of the immune system. To meet your needs in protein choose lean products (chicken, fish, turkey, rabbit, beef, lean pork lean, eggs). Another feature of the lean meat is that it is a good source of iron and zinc, nutrients which are necessary for the good functioning of the immune system.

It is very important to make sure you eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day, as they contain substances such as vitamin C, which plays an important role in activating T lymphocytes that fight viruses. In addition, fruits and vegetables that are rich in antioxidants contain vitamin A, vitamin E and flavonoids, which work together to strengthen the body's defenses.

Eat foods rich in probiotics such as yogurt, as studies show that they reduce the duration of colds. Research has shown that consuming probiotics reduces the time we stay sick by 2 days. Probiotics also reduce the severity of headaches and coughs. Choose to consume yogurts with probiotics and specifically with the strains Lactobacillus casei and reuteri, as it is scientifically proven that they improve the response of the immune system.

Finally, do not forget about proper hydration. Adequate hydration is very useful for the body, as it helps replenish the fluids we lose, especially if we are in a feverish state. So, drink plenty of fluids such as water, green tea, mountain tea (of course without added sugar).

The most important thing is to remember that a proper and balanced diet that contains foods from all food groups is what the body needs in all conditions, especially when it is overworked.


• Avoid sugar
"Sugars, cereals and other starchy foods negatively affect the immune system. In fact, many studies confirm that our immune system is suppressed for several hours after consuming simple sugars (sugar, fructose, etc.). White blood cell production in this case can be reduced by as much as 50%. Remember that if you are sick or do not want to get sick, it is important to give your body nutrients, not sugar!"

• Eat more natural antimicrobial food
Garlic: "Garlic not only fights bacteria, but also kills fungi and viruses. "Fresh garlic cloves have the strongest antimicrobial effect."
"Garlic not only fights bacteria, but also kills fungi and viruses. Fresh garlic cloves have the strongest antimicrobial effect".
Ginger "Ginger contains chemicals that specifically target viruses that affect the head and throat. Grate a little fresh ginger in a cup of tea or a cup of hot water and leave it in just before you drink it".

• Drink warm liquids
The following warm liquids are nutritious, healing and soothing.
Homemade bone broth: "A homemade bone broth is extremely beneficial for our immune system as the gelatin and collagen found in the broth are essential for a healthy gut, which leads to a healthy immune system."
"A homemade bone broth is extremely beneficial for our immune system as the gelatin and collagen found in the broth are essential for a healthy gut, which leads to a healthy immune system."

• Herbal teas and hot water with lemon, "And the two are not only soothing for a sore throat, but provide the body hydration, antioxidants and other nutrients that boost the immune system".