Cauliflower, a much underrated vegetable, is considered a superfood as it is high in various nutrients such as vitamins C and K, fibre and others. It can be eaten plain or with dressings and spices, raw, boiled, baked or air fryer, in smoothies for extra nutrients, as a substitute for rice, pizza dough or mashed potatoes for less carbohydrates.

1. Rich in antioxidants

The sulforaphane in cauliflower acts as an antioxidant. Antioxidants help the body deal with oxidative stress, a process that plays an important role in the development of cardiovascular diseases and eye diseases.

2. High in choline

It is an important source of choline, a nutrient essential for memory, proper brain development, proper functioning of the nervous system and a good and stable mood.

3. Βοηθάει το ανοσοποιητικό σύστημα

By having a good amount of sulfur, vegetables such as cauliflower can improve intestinal health and thus the body's defence against infections. This is because sulphur contributes to the production of glutathione, which in turn helps to maintain and regenerate intestinal cells, but also acts as an antioxidant.

4. Βελτιώνει την πέψη και την αποτοξίνωση

Certain compounds found in cauliflower (such as sulforaphane) help the body to detoxify due to their beneficial effect on the liver. Vegetables such as this help in the absorption of nutrients and removal of toxins due to their sulphur content. It also reduces the growth rate of "bad" bacteria in the gut, thus protecting its microbiome.

5. Βοηθάει την απώλεια βάρους

Cauliflower is an ally of those trying to lose weight, as it is very low in calories, carbohydrates, and no fat, while being rich in fiber.