As the latest data show, today's Greeks tend not to treat obesity as a disease, despite its increased rates in the country, and many consider it a temporary problem that can be solved with diet.
In the ancient Greek language, the word diet had a much broader meaning than today, it meant "way of life".

It included: food and drink, exercise, baths and abrasions, sunbathing, sleep and sexual practice, 'passions of the soul', habits and generally everything that had to do with how a person lived his life.

The etiology of the diseases was attributed either to excessive food consumption or lack of them, or to internal physical characteristics or external causes (such as injuries). These are uncomfortable ideas for modern man, whose lifestyle often seems to be responsible for his illnesses.

Let us dwell for a moment on the words of Hippocrates and let us reflect ..
«Let your medicine become your food and let your food become your medicine».

«Food is not food if it does not have its power. What is not food becomes food, if it can be nourishedι».

Η ανθρωπότητα, λόγω της παραπληροφόρησης που της γίνεται μέσω των Μ.Μ.Ε. και των συμφερόντων διαφόρων διατροφικών βιομηχανικών μονάδων, καταναλώνει άχρηστες επεξεργασμένες τροφές, πολλά ζωικά, κεκορεσμένα λιπαρά και άφθονα χημικά (αντιβιοτικά, ορμόνες, συντηρητικά, χρωστικές κ.α.) με αποτέλεσμα την ολίσθηση προς την πρόωρη γήρανση και την νοσηρότητα.
Avoid, as much as possible, packaged and poorly processed junk food, which is full of dangerous chemicals. Healthy eating is a natural and powerful remedy, but we must necessarily know that: "(…) food alone is not enough to maintain a person in good health, if not everyone combines it with exercise. "Food and exercise, because they have opposite properties, contribute to the maintenance of mutual health" (Hippocrates, "On Diet", par. 2).

Treatment and cure do not come only from medication. Changes in lifestyle and daily habits are a key factor in dealing with most diseases!
Improve your lifestyle and save yourself!