Muffins μπανάνας χωρίς ζάχαρη

Muffins μπανάνας χωρίς ζάχαρη

Do you perhaps have some leftover bananas and you dont want to throw them away? I've got you! You can chop them up and freeze them to use them in smoothies, but you can also use them in cakes and muffins, making a healthy and nutritious snack that replaces store-bought ones that are full of sugar and preservatives.

It doesn't matter if you eat it in the morning or as a snack, since this muffin fits all occasions. It goes perfectly with your evening coffee or tea, giving you a sweet boost, much needed for tough times. Banana muffins are also a great school snack, but also a work one!


3 small ripe bananas

150gr whole grain flour

3tbs tahini (50gr)

3tbs honey

2 big eggs, room temperature

1 juicy orange

Orange zest from about half an orange

2ts baking powder

3gr vanilla powder

1,5tbs cocoa powder (optional)

1/2 cup shredded dark chocolate or drops (optional)


Preheat the oven at 170 °C

Mash the bananas

Put the tahini and honey in a bowl and mix well

In another bowl beat the eggs. add the bananas, and then the honey-tahini mix

Shift the flour and add it along with the baking powder vanilla and cocoa

Lastly, add the juice from the orange, the zest and the chocolate

Put the mix in a muffin pan

Bake for 20-30 minutes. After the first 20, use a toothpick or a knife to check if they're ready by inserting it in the muffin. If it comes out clean, the muffin is ready.

The sweetness depends on 1) the bananas and 2) the honey. The sweeter the bananas, the sweeter the muffin!

Enjoy! 🤤